Movember takes place every year in November. Men all over the world grow moustaches, sometimes known as ‘Mo Bros’, to raise awareness and money for men’s health issues. Movember supports more awareness of prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health. Some of the issues that many men are reluctant to talk about or to visit their GP about.
We talk a little about Movember in support of the many men in our workplaces and the truck drivers who use CleanCo to wash their trucks.
‘Movember’ is a mix of ‘moustache’ and ‘November’
It started in 2003 in Melbourne with the establishment of the Movember Foundation and has since spread around the globe. People who want to take part register on the Movember website, then spend the month growing and grooming their moustaches. Then they seek donations and sponsorships from friends, family and colleagues to support the cause. Every little bit counts. The website has lots of information on how to take part.

Movember’s goal is to raise awareness about men’s health issues and encourage men to talk about prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health. The funds raised are put to research, education and programmes that help these health concerns. There is a particular focus on prevention, early detection and support for people affected.

Equally, truck drivers can take part by growing moustaches and encouraging others to either sponsor them or grow one, too. Even just growing a moustache says you support the work of Movember, you don’t have to sign up or to raise money. It all adds to encouraging and supporting men to talk about their mental and physical health. And to get regular health check ups.

Our own truck washing CleanCo Christchurch has sponsored a hole in the local Fulton Hogan golf tournament. They’re calling it a Men’s Health Movember golf tournament, so all money raised will go towards the Movember Charity.